About Me:

A landscape and astrophotographer based in Perth, Western Australia.
I endeavour to create natural works showcasing the best locations that my state, country and the world has to offer. I believe my work showcasing the beauty of nature should help to further the cause of environmental action in preserving the world that we have, for those to come.
Outside of photography, I am a lover of all things outdoors, with hiking and bikepacking being personal passions alongside my photography.
I split my time with geology as a PhD candidate studying in South-Western Norway. I am keenly interested in the geological puzzle and piecing this together to further science and knowledge.  
Happy viewing, and get outside!

ZWO ASI2600MM Pro(Deep Sky)
Nikon D610 (Wide Field)
Antlia Pro 3nm SHO
Antlia Pro LRGB
William Optics Redcat 51
Sigma 40mm f/1.4
Sigma 28mm f/1.4
Sigma 14mm f/1.8
Proxisky UMi 17
MeLe Quieter 3C
Pegasus Pocket Power Box Advanced

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